Design Car Engine Vibration Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things (IoT)



Car engine, vibration, Internet of Things (IoT), monitoring system, MPU-6050


The combination of computer technology, the internet and sensor-based electronic device technology commonly known as the Internet of Things (IoT), has resulted in a revolution in the field of information technology, especially information systems. The need for real-time and internet-based information is needed for quick and precise decision making. IoT technology can be used as a tool for monitoring a condition system, as well as being a necessity in generating real-time and accurate data and information according to the actual situation. The need for the use of IoT technology is very necessary for monitoring the abnormal condition of the car engine. This monitoring is intended to obtain accurate data and information regarding the actual condition of the machine for maintenance purposes. This study aims to design an IoT-based car engine vibration monitoring information system. The prototype was designed using the MPU6050 accelerometer sensor for data retrieval, ESP8266 for sending data to the server and Arduino nano for device controllers. The monitoring system application is built on a web-based. The results of the implementation of the prototype device have been integrated with the vibration monitoring system application. The prototype device must be connected to the specified wifi to be able to transmit vibration data in real time to the database. Vibration data can be visualized in graphic form and converted in frequency form. The prototype of the device can be applied to parts of the car that cause vibrations such as engine mounting (EM), brakes, tires or axles with the aim of analyzing damage to the car engine.

Author Biography

Nukhe, Universitas Medan Area

Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty Engineering Medan Area University


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How to Cite

Susilawati, S., Silviana, N. A. ., & Polewangi, Y. D. (2022). Design Car Engine Vibration Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things (IoT). Journal of Research Computer Science, 2(1), 1–12. Retrieved from