Development of Monitoring Temperature System Based on Communication Module NRF24L01


  • Mega Putri Anastasia politeknik batam
  • Dirja Nur Ilham politeknik aceh selatan
  • Fauzun Atabiq Politeknik Batam


NRF24L01, SCADA, Arduino, LabView, PT100


A communication module is a tool that is used mandatory for students taking the Instrumentation Engineering Department, which is needed for practical development in the form of increasing understanding of reading data in communication. The process of reading communication can go through the SCADA process and others, one of the communications that can read the data is NRF24L01 which is a type of frequency-based communication that can transmit the results of communication using wireless over long distances. The communication frequency used is 2.4GHz and, the detected distance can be up to 100m. The process of sending the data is through Arduino serial programming as a slave and, then the data is read through Labview as the master. In this final project, the temperature sensor used is PT100. The test results show that the module can readtemperatures from a range of 27°C to 50°C with an average error percentage of 0.00453%. A communication module is a tool that is used mandatory for students taking the Instrumentation Engineering Department, which is needed for practical development in the form of increasing understanding of reading data in communication. The process of reading communication can go through the SCADA process and others, one of the communications that can read the data is NRF24L01 which is a type of frequency-based communication that can transmit the results of communication using wireless over long distances. The communication frequency used is 2.4GHz and, the detected distance can be up to 100m. The process of sending the data is through Arduino serial programming as a slave and, then the data is read through Labview as the master. In this final project, the temperature sensor used is PT100. The test results show that the module can readtemperatures from a range of 27°C to 50°C with an average error percentage of 0.00453%.


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How to Cite

Anastasia, M. P. ., Ilham, D. N., & Atabiq, F. (2022). Development of Monitoring Temperature System Based on Communication Module NRF24L01. Journal of Research Computer Science, 2(1), 40–46. Retrieved from