Journal of Research Computer Science 2022-08-25T15:30:15+07:00 Muhathir Open Journal Systems <p>JRCS (Journal of Research Computer Science) It is a peer reviewed journal in the field of informatics. This journal is published 2 months of the year (April and Oktober) by Station IT, Indonesia. Manuscripts submitted by the author are blindly reviewed. The accepted writings were published online. JRCS publishes original papers in the field of: Big Data &amp; Data Mining, Image Processing &amp; Computer Vision, Mobile Software Engineering, Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligents Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Fuzzy Control, Optimization, Robotics, Internet of Things, Digital Signal Processing, etc.</p> Design Car Engine Vibration Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things (IoT) 2022-08-09T13:17:53+07:00 Susilawati Susilawati Nukhe Andri Silviana Yudi Daeng Polewangi <p>The combination of computer technology, the internet and sensor-based electronic device technology commonly known as the Internet of Things (IoT), has resulted in a revolution in the field of information technology, especially information systems. The need for real-time and internet-based information is needed for quick and precise decision making. IoT technology can be used as a tool for monitoring a condition system, as well as being a necessity in generating real-time and accurate data and information according to the actual situation. The need for the use of IoT technology is very necessary for monitoring the abnormal condition of the car engine. This monitoring is intended to obtain accurate data and information regarding the actual condition of the machine for maintenance purposes. This study aims to design an IoT-based car engine vibration monitoring information system. The prototype was designed using the MPU6050 accelerometer sensor for data retrieval, ESP8266 for sending data to the server and Arduino nano for device controllers. The monitoring system application is built on a web-based. The results of the implementation of the prototype device have been integrated with the vibration monitoring system application. The prototype device must be connected to the specified wifi to be able to transmit vibration data in real time to the database. Vibration data can be visualized in graphic form and converted in frequency form. The prototype of the device can be applied to parts of the car that cause vibrations such as engine mounting (EM), brakes, tires or axles with the aim of analyzing damage to the car engine.</p> 2022-04-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Research Computer Science Clasterization of Student's Level of Understanding in Online Learning System with K-Means Clustering 2022-08-25T00:36:58+07:00 Jenny Shinta Sibatuara Nurul Khairina Zulfikar Sembiring Rizki Muliono Muhathir Muhathir <p>Data mining atau biasa disebut penambangan data adalah proses ekstrasi data-data dalam jumlah besar untuk mendapatkan informasi terstruktur dari sistem yang dibutuhkan pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman siswa dalam pembelajaran <em>online</em> yang marak terjadi pada saat ini. Pembelajaran online yang terjadi pada SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan ini tidak menyertakan evaluasi dan pengelompokan untuk setiap siswa berdasarkan beberapa nilai yang telah diperoleh, sehingga pembimbing atau guru belum dapat melihat rekomendasi siswa mana yang perlu mendapat perhatian khusus terhadap tingkat pemahaman yang mereka dapatkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sebuah sistem berbasis desktop menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio untuk memperoleh informasi dan mengetahui pemahaman siswa terhadap sistem pembelajaran <em>online</em>. Algoritma yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah algoritma <em>K-Means Clustering,</em> dimana algoritma tersebut dapat menghasilkan kelompok dengan cara menghitung jarak setiap data yang diuji dengan pusat <em>cluster</em> awal sehingga dapat menghasilkan pengelompokan yang akurat. Uji coba dilakukan sebanyak 6 kali iterasi dengan data 30 siswa, maka hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian tersebut yaitu C1 sebanyak 11 siswa, C2 sebanyak 17 siswa dan C3 sebanyak 2 siswa, dimana C1 adalah tingkat pemahaman siswa tinggi, C2 adalah tingkat pemahaman siswa sedang, dan C3 adalah tingkat pemahaman siswa rendah. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2022-04-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Research Computer Science Decision Support System For Determination Of Bank Indonesia Scholarship Recipients Using Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution and Simple Additive Weighting 2022-08-24T18:42:46+07:00 M. Rinaldy Mahendra Sayed Fachrurrazi lham Sahputra <p>Scholarships are a form of award given to individuals in order to continue their education to a higher level. The award can be in the form of certain access to an agency or an award in the form of financial assistance. One of the scholarships available at the Malikussaleh University Information Systems Study Program is the Bank Indonesia Scholarship, in the process of selecting students who are eligible for scholarships it is still done manually and takes a very long time, while the staff at the Malikussaleh University Information Systems Study Program are too busy and have a solid agenda so it is necessary a decision support system for determining scholarships to facilitate performance and will shorten time. other decisions. In this method, decision making is based on the value of the decision maker's desire and based on actual conditions. This SAW method requires the decision maker to determine the weight for each attribute value. The final value for the alternative is obtained by adding up all the multiplication results between the rating (which can be compared with other attributes) and the weight of each attribute. In this method, the selection of scholarships is based on a pre-existing weight value. the results of the TOPSIS method and the SAW method in the application process used 20 alternatives and the results obtained were 6 choices of the same alternative and 14 different alternatives. It is hoped that the results of this research can be very helpful in determining the criteria that are eligible for scholarships at the Malikussaleh University Information Systems Study Program later</p> 2022-04-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Research Computer Science A Simple Additive Weighting Method Is Used In A New Partner Admission Decision Support System 2022-08-25T15:30:15+07:00 Ivan Talunohi Rizki Muliono Muhathir Muhathir <p>The Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL) of PT Kawasan Industri Medan (KIM) is one of the fields engaged in the partnership and community development program. Every year the company welcomes new potential fostered partners by disclosing information on potential fostered partners. The company finds it difficult to determine potential partners so that a decision support method is needed to facilitate partner problems. Decision support system is an interactive computer information system that can provide alternative solutions for decision makers, the decision support model analyzed in this study is Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). Based on the findings, the foster partners who passed were very high, namely 21 partners from 26 potential partners based on the provisions of the value determined by the company of 0.5. This figure must be very irrelevant for companies providing fostered partners, so a better model is needed in determining the number of potential foster partners by utilizing statistical evaluations such as max, min, mean. So that prospective partners who pass can be minimized by using max-min or max-mean.</p> 2022-04-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Research Computer Science Development of Monitoring Temperature System Based on Communication Module NRF24L01 2022-08-22T18:19:28+07:00 Mega Putri Anastasia Dirja Nur Ilham Fauzun Atabiq <h1><span lang="X-NONE">A communication module is a tool that is used mandatory for students taking the Instrumentation Engineering Department, which is needed for practical development in the form of increasing understanding of reading data in communication. The process of reading communication can go through the SCADA process and others, one of the communications that can read the data is NRF24L01 which is a type of frequency-based communication that can transmit the results of communication using wireless over long distances. The communication frequency used is 2.4GHz and, the detected distance can be up to 100m. The process of sending the data is through Arduino serial programming as a slave and, then the data is read through Labview as the master. In this final project, the temperature sensor used is PT100. The test results show that the module can readtemperatures from a range of 27°C to 50°C with an average error percentage of 0.00453%.</span></h1> <h1><span lang="X-NONE">A communication module is a tool that is used mandatory for students taking the Instrumentation Engineering Department, which is needed for practical development in the form of increasing understanding of reading data in communication. The process of reading communication can go through the SCADA process and others, one of the communications that can read the data is NRF24L01 which is a type of frequency-based communication that can transmit the results of communication using wireless over long distances. The communication frequency used is 2.4GHz and, the detected distance can be up to 100m. The process of sending the data is through Arduino serial programming as a slave and, then the data is read through Labview as the master. In this final project, the temperature sensor used is PT100. The test results show that the module can readtemperatures from a range of 27°C to 50°C with an average error percentage of 0.00453%.</span></h1> 2022-04-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Research Computer Science